Honkytonk Man
Country: USA
Red Stovall is a would-be country singer who has been bouncing around the margins of the music business for years. With nowhere in particular to go, Red arrives at the failing Oklahoma farm of his sister for an extended visit, where her son Whit quickly bonds with his uncle. However, it's obvious that Red is in very poor health and when Red is invited to audition for the Grand Old Opry in Nashville, Whit tags along for the road trip to keep an eye on his ailing uncle.
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Clint is a legend! But NOT a singer! Clint should of done a lipsync to someone else singing! I have loved his movies since childhood, my Dad was crazy about him because they were the same age, so I grew to love his movies too.
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Page Last Modified: 25th April 2016
Page Added: 8th December 2006
Page Views: 6440
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