Black Jack
Country: UK
Genre: Adventure
In 1750s England, Frenchman Black Jack miraculously survives a hanging by the British authorities in Yorkshire and escapes from the grim jaws of "justice." He takes to the countryside in the company of Tolly, a teenaged boy who is able to translate Black Jack's odd speech into something comprehensible. They join up with Belle, an aristocratic teenager who has escaped from the madhouse her family imprisoned her in when she grew troublesome. Together, the three join a carnival. However, as it becomes clear that the girl is far from crazy, love between Tolly and Belle grows.
- Jean Franval
- Stephen Hirst
(Tolly) - Louise Cooper
- Andrew Bennett
- Packie Byrne
- Brian Hawksley
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 18th October 2015
Page Added: 17th November 2006
Page Views: 5128
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