The Little Rascals
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Spanky and the members of the He-Man Woman Haters Club find out that Alfalfa has been courting Darla. After a trial they sentence him to forget about her and other girls forever. Alfalfa is having trouble with his punishment, particularly since the new rich kid is moving in on his territory, and he works to win her back. Meanwhile Butch and Woim are trying to steal the gang's prized go-cart for the big derby coming up.

- Travis Tedford
(Spanky) - Bug Hall
(Alfalfa) - Brittany Ashton Holmes
(Darla) - Kevin Jamal Woods
(Stymie) - Zachary Mabry
(Porky) - Sam Saletta
(Butch) - Ross Bagley
(Buckwheat) - Blake Jeremy Collins
(Woim) - Blake McIver Ewing
(Waldo) - Jordan Blake Warkol
(Froggy) - Courtland Mead
(Uh-Huh) - Mel Brooks
- Miles Marsico
(Rascal) - Vincent Berry
(Rascal) - Joseph Ashton
BoyActors Reviews
14 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Cynical schlock featuring four-year-olds saying lines meant to make them sound like venial adults. Something in a bit in this line with more heart and charm is La ultima batalla.
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A very funny movie, my favorite character was Butch played by Sam Saletta, he was the cutest boy in the movie! at least in my opinion!
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Page Last Modified: 19th December 2023
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 27146
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Bug Hall and others doing a great job in this movie. Not that great as compared to the Little Rascals of the 20s and 30s but still good and at least this movie is in color.