AKA: Fateless
Country: Hungary
Genre: Drama
Film follows a fourteen-year-old Hungarian Jewish boy as he is separated from his family and interned in a succession of Nazi concentration camps during World War II. Still clad in his striped prison clothes when he returns to Budapest, he immediately senses the indifference of his neighbors to his experience. Former friends urge him to "put the ordeal out of his mind," while a sympathetic intellectual refers to the camps as "the lowest circle of hell." Gyuri can't relate to either cliche and is left to ponder the meaning of his experience alone.
- Hungary's 2006 submisssion for foreign language Oscar
- Marcell Nagy
(Gyuri) - Áron Dimény
- András M. Kecskés
- József Gyabronka
- Endre Harkányi
- Béla Dóra
(Smoker) - Bálint Péntek
(Pretty Boy) - Dani Szabó
(Moskovich) - Gáspár Mesés
(Annamaria's Younger Brother)
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average Rating: (8.60 / 10)View All Member Reviews/Ratings & Stats
Most recent review listed first
Also see Border Street, Diamonds of the Night and Distant Journey.
My Movie Rating: 9 / 10This is a great movie and extremely powerful.
My Movie Rating: 9 / 10Page Last Modified: 4th July 2022
Page Added: 8th April 2006
Page Views: 7451
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