Air Bud
Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy
Rebounding from his father's death, 12-year-old Josh moves with his family to the small town of Fernfield. Too shy to try out for the school basketball team he practices alone on an abandoned court. He befriends a runaway golden retriever named Buddy. Josh is amazed when he realizes that Buddy loves playing basketball...and he is GOOD! Josh eventually makes the school team and Buddy is named the Team Mascot. Buddy's mean former owner decides to cash in on the dog's celebrity..

- Kevin Zegers
(Josh Framm) - Michael Jeter
- Wendy Makkena
- Brendan Fletcher
(Larry Willingham) - Shayn Solberg
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Kevin Zegers's interactions with the golden retriever have some charm.
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Gotta love Kevin Zegers!
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Page Last Modified: 15th June 2018
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 16099
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Inoffensive, utterly predictable by-the-numbers feelgood movie. May be of interest to small children (ages 0-5).
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