Le Château de ma mère
AKA: My Mother's Castle
Country: France
Genre: Adventure
Every holiday Marcel and his family go to their cottage in the Provence (France). He likes the hills in this region. Before they arrive at the cottage they have to walk about 5 miles. With the cooperation of an ex-pupil of Marcels father, who's a teacher, they only have to walk 1 mile, since they can take a shortcut along a canal, through the backyards of some eccentric people. During one of these holidays he meets Isabelle, a pretty but conceited girl...
- This is the sequel to La Gloire de mon père (1990)
Reviews and Other Resources

- Julien Ciamaca
(Marcel) - Philippe Caubere
- Nathalie Roussel
- Didier Pain
- Thérèse Liotard
- Victorien Delamare
(Paul) - Joris Molinas
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Page Last Modified: 4th July 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 9445
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