A Father for Charlie
TV Movie
AKA: High Lonesome
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Charlie Cantwell is the neglected son of a tenant farmer. His drunken father sells Charlie's sister for booze money. Battered and left alone, the boy is taken in by a black man which causes an uproar in their heretofore peaceful Southern community...
BoyActors Reviews
8 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I think 'High Lonesome' must have been made for TV. The plot is a bit sugary though I think how it portrays the attitude of white people to blacks in 1930s America pretty authentic. Joseph Mazzello is, of course, excellent as the tough kid the black man takes under his wing despite his high pitched voice. The ending is rather contrived I think as I doubt any black man would be allowed to adopt white children at that time. Good movie that brings a tear to the eye.
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9/10 for member: Jasen, I could not have said it better!!
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relly good for a tv movie
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Page Last Modified: 30th April 2017
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 14799
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