Visit to a Chief's Son
Country: USA
Genre: Adventure
A mixture of anthropology, travelogue, and social commentary. The story of scientist and his attempts to get close to the Masai people of Kenya. His son causes problems, and an educated-in-London Masai further complicates matters by messing with Mulligan's preconceived notions about 'the natives'. The movie takes a serious look at the pressures put on tribal peoples by modernism and progress.

- Richard Mulligan
- Johnny Sekka
- John Philip Hogdon
(Kevin) - Jesse Kinaru
- Jock Anderson
- Chief Lomoiro
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

A charming film about the need for boys to be given freedom in order to mature and gain responsibility, and the way in which, in this regard, western societies might learn something from the way things are handled by supposedly more 'primitive' societies such as that of the Masai. John Philip Hogdon is superb and engaging in the lead role. A criminally underrated classic.

Page Last Modified: 5th June 2010
Page Added: 16th January 2006
Page Views: 14332
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