Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
Country: USA
Genre: Christmas
The people of Mars kidnap Santa Claus and two Earth kids in an effort to capture the Christmas spirit for their own listless children. They have seen how happy Earth children are via television stations they have intercepted from Earth. It's now up to Santa, Billy and Betty to conquer the Martians with good will and holiday cheer.

- John Call
- Leonard Hicks
- Vincent Beck
- Bill McCutcheon
- Victor Stiles
(Billy) - Donna Conforti
- Chris Month
(Bomar) - Pia Zadora
- Leila Martin
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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For a 1964 Sci-Fi Christmas Special made for kids this movie is the bomb.
My Movie Rating:

It's different. The acting and special effects are horrible. But like Zab said, if you're in the mood, it can be enjoyable. And, it's out on DVD!!! Thank goodness! (yes, it's in my collection :) )
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Fun; if you're in the right frame of mind.
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Page Last Modified: 15th December 2005
Page Added: 15th December 2005
Page Views: 4526
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