Riri Shushu no subete
AKA: All About Lily Chou-Chou
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
A tale of teen alienation, the film is about the lives of a group of high-school students as they endure the taunts of their classmates and other brutal trials of adolescence. This film offers a nihilistic portrait of Japanese youth, who seek refuge from their tortured lives through virtual happiness, such as music and an Internet chat room devoted to the legendary rock star Lily Chou-Chou.

- Hayato Ichihara
(Yûichi Hasumi) - Shûgo Oshinari
- Ayumi Ito
- Takao Osawa
- Miwako Ichikawa
- Izumi Inamori
BoyActors Reviews
6 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Predictable rating from this old guy. This is a movie for younger, serious film buffs. For me, the movie as a whole makes a very strong argument against kids having access to internet chat rooms. And if I want to watch jerky, amateur camera action I will go to Youtube.
My Movie Rating:

Gray younger days, and the music is very beautiful.

Page Last Modified: 26th July 2014
Page Added: 3rd September 2005
Page Views: 5101
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