Dennis the Menace
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Mr. Wilson's life is plagued by the boy from next door. He's adorable... and he's armed...!
- Named "Dennis" in the UK so as not to be confused with the cartoon character Dennis the Menace from the Beano comic.

- Mason Gamble
(Dennis) - Walter Matthau
- Joan Plowright
- Christopher Lloyd
- Kellen Hathaway
(Joey) - Paul Winfield
- Devin Ratray
BoyActors Reviews
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Good fun. Owes a lot to Mason Gamble's charm.
My Movie Rating:

One of those cute-as-a-button American movies with Mason Gamble acting exactly that. He is ably supported by veteran actor, Walter Matthau, who is wonderful as the grouchy neighbour. Also Christopher Lloyd as the menacing tramp make this a decent film.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 22nd August 2017
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 14846
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This is a charming, slapstick film with a lovely Mason Gamble in the lead. A bit of an ode to an Americana that was slipping away by the early 90s. Kids roaming the neighborhood in the summer, middle class towns not yet gutted, gender roles that are humorously mocked or subverted without the patronizing didacticism of 21st century media.
I do wonder why movies of this era felt the need to shoehorn in the robbery subplots? Take that out, give us more exposition of Mr. Wilson getting to know Dennis (apparently he taught him how to tie knots), and this might be a 9/10.
My favorite is the opening scene!
My Movie Rating: