Cops and Robbersons
Country: USA
When police discover that a mob hitman has moved in next door to the Robbersons, they want to find out what he is up to. So they set up a stakeout in the Robberson's home. Hard-nosed, tough-as-nails Jake Stone is assigned to the stakeout. But now it's a question of whether Jake can last long enough to capture the bad guys. The Robbersons want to help so they are driving him crazy.

- Chevy Chase
- Jack Palance
- Dianne Wiest
- Robert Davi
- David Barry Gray
- Jason James Richter
(Kevin Robberson) - Fay Masterson
- Miko Hughes
(Billy Robberson)
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Page Last Modified: 4th December 2007
Page Added: 6th June 2005
Page Views: 12246
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