Thalassa, Thalassa
Country: Romania
Genre: Drama
A group of Romanian urchins stumble across a stolen Jaguar convertible in a remote barn. They get the car started and set off to the Black Sea. The kids experience a sense of wonder and empowerment as they motor along. On the way they indulge in all manner of vice, from drinking to smoking and finally wrecking the car.
- English
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- Alexandru Cirstea
(Fane) - Silvia Gheorghe
- Alexandru Anghel
(Pasa) - Cristian Paulica
(Jan) - Viorel Patrut
(Mortu) - Constantin Tanase
(Rosu) - Danut Podzo
BoyActors Reviews
3 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first
Loved this movie, and don't even know why. It's definitely an adventure for the kids in this film. If you watch and see what the kids do and say in this movie, it seems as though they are far more natural than many of the western-world kid's adventure films of the past 20 years.
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10Page Last Modified: 2nd October 2011
Page Added: 20th May 2005
Page Views: 11472
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