South Bronx Heroes
Country: USA
Genre: Thriller
Tony is just out of a Mexican jail and has come to stay with his sister Chrissie. Meanwhile, 14 year old Paul and his slightly younger sister Michelle have run away in fear from their foster father Bennett. Bennett is involved in child pornography and uses his foster children as subjects for his photo sessions. After the young runaways break into Chrissie's apartment, they are caught, and the truth about Bennett comes to the attention of Tony. It does not take long for Tony and Chrissie to decide to help the siblings and a revenge is plotted.

- Brendan Ward
(Paul) - Melissa Esposito
- Mario Van Peebles
- Megan Van Peebles
- Martin Zurla
- Dan Lauria
- Sean Ward
(Paul Age 12) - Hiebana Opuiyo-Yohannes
(Tony Age 6 )
BoyActors Reviews
3 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Not exactly realistic...
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 14th May 2005
Page Added: 14th May 2005
Page Views: 5870
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