TV Series
Country: UK
In 1934 young Sam Wilson (Kevin Moreton) and his mother, Dora, return to the Yorkshire mining village where Dora grew up. Sam and Dora aren't welcomed with open arms and Dora is forced to live on benefit. The story follows Sam growing up in the poor northern mining area, starting a new school, being bullied, making friends, developing a relationship with his Uncle and coming to terms with the new man in Dora's life...
- This series comprised three seasons, each consisting of 13 episodes of approximately 50 minutes each. Kevin Moreton plays Sam Wilson in only the first season (appearances in subsequent seasons are flashbacks to Season One).
- Winner of the 1973 Television Critics Award for Best Series. Screenwriter John Finch won the 1974 Writers? Guild Award for Best Series Writer.
- Kevin Moreton
(Sam Wilson, as a Boy - 1973 Season 1) - Mark McManus
(Sam Wilson, as an Man - 1974-1975 Seasons 2-3) - Peter Robinson
(Tad Dawson - 1973 Season 1) - Peter Brown
(Les Dakin - 1974 Season 2) - Charles Booth
(Tom Wilson, as a Boy - 1975 Season 3)
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 19th August 2019
Page Added: 20th April 2005
Page Views: 7652
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There isn't an awful lot of Sam in Season One of "Sam" - most of the scenes are of adults talking to each other in domestic settings, with young Sam just popping up every now and then. The characters spend a great deal of time whinging about how tough their general conditions of life are in their historical era. You know, I can't STAND whingers. Kevin Moreton is a personable young actor whose quiet, sensitive, understated presence in the first season is certainly a pleasure to watch in between the adults moaning about their lives and raising their voices at each other. Possibly, though, he is just a touch too reserved and doesn't leave enough of an impression, though this may also be down to the screenwriting. For me, Sam's maternal grandfather Jack (played by Michael Goodliffe) was the standout character from this first season - though he's not a particularly attractive character!
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10