Country: UK
Genre: Drama
Young Robbie runs away from his adoptive London home and attaches himself to Chris. Robbie fears his father and the marks of beatings on his back confirm that he is right to do so. Robbie confesses to Chris he set his home on fire, yet in reality he has only left some curtains smouldering. Chris is a murderer on the run from the police, who first tries to use and then to help Robbie. At first brusque and uncaring Chris warms to the boy and they flee from London.
- Dirk Bogarde
- Jon Whiteley
(Robbie) - Kay Walsh
- Elizabeth Sellars
- Geoffrey Keen
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Page Last Modified: 28th July 2013
Page Added: 9th December 2004
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Jon Whiteley and Dirk Bogarde are a nice pair, they appear together again in The Spanish Gardener a few years later. Well crafted film with good performances.
My Movie Rating: 9 / 10