Finding Neverland
Genre: Drama
The movie details the experiences of 'Peter Pan' author J.M. Barrie, which lead him to write the children's classic. He got to know four children who have no fathers. Drawing from his time with the kids, he writes a story about children who don't want to grow up.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Johnny Depp
- Kate Winslet
- Julie Christie
- Radha Mitchell
- Dustin Hoffman
- Freddie Highmore
(Peter Llewelyn Davies) - Joe Prospero
(Jack Llewelyn Davies) - Nick Roud
(George Llewlyn Davies) - Luke Spill
(Michael Llewelyn Davies)
BoyActors Reviews
24 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Nice performances all round, but the film is quite sugar-coated. For the real story, see the BBC mini-series The Lost Boys and read Andrew Birkin's book J.M. Barrie and the Lost Boys.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 22nd May 2010
Page Added: 11th November 2004
Page Views: 13723
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