My Teacher Ate My Homework
Country: Canada
Genre: Family Comedy
Jesse and Cody's ordinary life in middle school becomes something incredibly strange when a harmless looking doll comes to life. This doll has a nasty attitude and now, Jess and Cody have to send this creepy creature with bad manners back to where it came from. Only the doll has evil plans of it's own as they race to cancel a spell before the full moon rises. Based on J.R. Black's Shadowzone series of books for kids.

- Shelley Duvall
- Gregory Smith
(Jesse Hackett) - Sheila McCarthy
- Edwin Hodge
(Cody) - Diana Theodore
- Dara Perlmutter
- Margot Kidder
- Dan Warry-Smith
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Page Last Modified: 17th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 6909
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