Country: USA
This drama focuses on two brothers and is set in a rural Georgia that seems untouched by time. Following a violent confrontation between their widowed father and vengeful ex-con uncle, Chris and Tim, flee their home taking with them a dark family secret.
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12 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I was impressed with the Freeze frames, superb acting by all!

A gritty film with superb acting from Jamie Bell who seems to have mastered the American accent. Along with Devon Alan this is a dramatic boy movie with, what some might consider, an incomprehensible ending.
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Page Last Modified: 20th March 2016
Page Added: 23rd October 2004
Page Views: 15650
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The only film in David Gordon Green's zigzaggy directing career that I really like is his first, George Washington. This is a visually striking piece of Southern Gothic with impressive performances from the two young leads, but it tries so hard to be moody and atmospheric that it ends up, in my view, with more style than substance. Nonetheless well worth a look.
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