Six-String Samurai
Country: USA
Genre: Adventure
A mysterious and powerful hero of the classic kind, Buddy is as skilled with his guitar as he is with his samurai sword. Thrown together with a kid whom he saves in a spectacular battle, the two of them must now escape their enemies and reach "Lost Vegas," the rock 'n' roll capital of this future world.
- Jeffrey Falcon
- Justin McGuire
(The Kid) - Kim De Angelo
- Stephane Gauger
- Clifford Hugo
BoyActors Reviews
7 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average Rating: (5.71 / 10)View All Member Reviews/Ratings & Stats
Most recent review listed first
Loved Justin as The Kid, I got the impression he had a blast in the roll! it's kinda, the Road Warrior meets the Earthling! I enjoyed watching Justin in those Rags! and there was some pretty good accustics on the guitar, the funniest scene was when the "Post-Atomic" family capture The Kid and prepare to "Have" him for dinner!
For the Boyability: 8/10, just because Justin was SO cute!
My Movie Rating: 6 / 10Page Last Modified: 26th December 2014
Page Added: 20th October 2004
Page Views: 5334
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