Country: Chile
Genre: Drama
Set against the fall of the socialist Allende government and the installation of the military junta in 1973 Chile, this delicate coming-of-age tale sees two very different boys - one from the privileged suburbs, the other a slum-dweller from a shantytown ? become classmates and grow closer, until eventually their friendship is threatened by the intractable forces of revolution - and the rather more complex allure of their classmate Silvana.
- Chile's 2005 submisssion for foreign language Oscar
- Matías Quer
(Gonzalo) - Ariel Mateluna
(Pedro) - Manuela Martelli
- Ernesto Malbrán
- Federico Luppi
- Aline Kuppenhem
- Sebastian Trautmann
(Gaston )
BoyActors Reviews
13 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average Rating: (8.92 / 10)View All Member Reviews/Ratings & Stats
Most recent review listed first
A beautiful movie about two friends from different classes of the society. Above the all, two cute boys in the movie...I love them
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10I rarely give a movie a ten. This movie deserves it.
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10Page Last Modified: 29th August 2008
Page Added: 19th August 2004
Page Views: 17909
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