Cheaper by the Dozen
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Clifton Webb stars as a patriarch who has more children than he can count on both hands. Along with his loving wife, Frank Gilbreth must contend with the problems of five fathers. But somehow, his charm and love for his offspring keeps the family together.

- Clifton Webb
- Jeanne Crain
- Myrna Loy
- Teddy Driver
(Dan Gilbreth) - Jimmy Hunt
(William Gilbreth) - Roddy McCaskill
(Jack Gilbreth) - Norman Ollestad
(Frank Gilbreth Jr.) - Anthony Sydes
(Fred Gilbreth)
BoyActors Reviews
7 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I have quite a lot of adult actors that I like, and Cliffton Webb is one of them! My Dad convinced me to watch this movie, many years ago, he was very funny! and the movie has a lot of boy interaction, Jimmy Hunt does well!
A bit of an emotional roller coaster ride, but there's an unexpected shocker in the movie, but I won't say where!
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 6th June 2016
Page Added: 9th July 2004
Page Views: 5897
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