Country: Norway
During the summer, whilst his parents are busy with work, a nine year old boy (Martin Bliksrud) slips into a fantasy world to entertain himself.
- English
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- Martin Bliksrud
(Svampe) - Karl Sundby
- Øyvin Bang Berven
- Brit Elisabeth Haagensli
- Tone Helly-Hansen
- Erlend Sandem
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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A delightful Norwegian fantasy. Martin Bliksrud has an elfin charm, and is utterly wonderful in the title role of this extraordinary, dreamlike film. Recommended.

Here is another example of exquisite Norwegian cinematography.
My Movie Rating:

wierd movie!!!
mind you I could not understand it due to lack of subtitles
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Page Last Modified: 15th March 2018
Page Added: 12th June 2004
Page Views: 17887
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