Pontiac Moon
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
In 1969, just as the Apollo 11 astronauts are about to journey to the moon, a science teacher decides to take his 11 year old son on a road trip until their 1949 Pontiac Chief has the same mileage as the distance between the Earth and the Moon. Meanwhile his reclusive wife stays at home struggling with her fear of the outside world - until the miraculous moon landing reignites the entire family's capacity for joy and wonder.
- Ted Danson
- Mary Steenburgen
- Ryan Todd
(Andy) - Cathy Moriarty
- Max Gail
- Ramsey Ellis
(School Kid)
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average Rating: (7.00 / 10)View All Member Reviews/Ratings & Stats
Most recent review listed first
I was in the third grade when Apollo 11 landed on the Moon, this movie made me think about a time my childhood I hadn't tought about for many years. A wonderful Father/Son movie, A must see- with your Son!
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10Page Last Modified: 19th March 2010
Page Added: 6th June 2004
Page Views: 4938
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