Rocket Gibraltar
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
An old patriarch unites for his birthday all members of his family at his coastal Long Island estate. But the group of people is full of personal and social problems. Included are several grandchildren (including, in his film debut, Macaulay Culkin). Lancaster captures the children's attention when he tells them of an ancient Viking belief that a man can achieve immortality if his corpse is placed on a seafaring ship which is then set afire, a tale the children get a chance to fulfill.

- Burt Lancaster
- Suzy Amis
- Patricia Clarkson
- Frances Conroy
- Sinead Susack
- John Glover
- Bill Pullman
- Kevin Spacey
- John Bell
- Nicky Bronson
- Danny Corkill
(Kane Rockwell) - Macaulay Culkin
(Cy Blue Black)
BoyActors Reviews
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This was mac's 1st movie with dialogue, and it was Burt Lancaster's final movie, he died not too long after the completion, (in fact, he died the same day as Kurt Cobain of the music group Nirvana) I think it was also Danny Corkill's last movie, I haven't seen him in anything else where he looked older than he does here! This movie has always been special to me, because it was Mac's 1st and Burt's last!

good movie havent scene it ages but i rember it was good mac culikin is good in it.
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Page Last Modified: 12th December 2010
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 7964
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