Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Mrs Daniels has been framed on a fraud charge and sent to prison. By bundling her son off to military school, she is able to keep her shame a secret from Dinky. Upon learning the truth, our young hero voluntarily pulls out of the school and takes up residence in an orphanage. But now it's his turn to hide the truth from his mother, by pretending via correspondence that he's still a cadet in good standing.

- Jackie Cooper
(Dinky Daniels) - Mary Astor
- Roger Pryor
- Henry Armetta
- Jimmy Butler
(Cadet Lane) - George Ernest
(Jojo) - Richard Quine
(Jackie Shaw)
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Page Last Modified: 9th August 2021
Page Added: 30th May 2004
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I imagine by today's strict standards they probably would have given this movie a different title. Imagine attending a military school with that name. But this is the 30s when this movie was made and the so-called morality issue was somewhat more relaxed back then.
My Movie Rating: