To Monon tis zois tou taxeidion
AKA: The Only Journey of His Life
Country: Greece
Genre: Drama
Georgios Vizyenos died in a mental asylum in Athens in 1896. He was a writer of influential short stories ? including "The Only Journey of His Life". The film begins as Vizyenos is admitted to an asylum, in large part the result of his passionate but loving obsession for a 12 y/o girl. He recalls memories from his childhood, the main being his grandfather, who spent the first ten years of his life disguised as a girl to protect him from being forced to serve in the Turkish army.
- Greek submisssion for 2003 foreign language Oscar

- Elias Logothetis
- Frangiski Moustaki
(Young Giorgis) - Roula Pateraki
- Lazaros Andreou
- Yvonne Maltezou
- Marina Psalti
- Kostas Kortidis
- Mustafa Avkiran
- Metin Belgin
- Ali Ates
- Selin Sarvan
- Didem Yerlin
- Selahattin Firat
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Page Last Modified: 21st December 2008
Page Added: 7th February 2004
Page Views: 7955
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