La Guerre des boutons
AKA: The War Of The Buttons
Country: France
Acclaimed story of a 'war' between two factions of young French boys, battling with slingshots and donkeys for the belts and buttons found on the opposing side's clothing. The war games become more elaborate, as one group decides to go into combat without clothing to prevent the other side from capturing their buttons.
- Director Yves Robert was also the director of La Gloire de mon père (1990).
- English
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- André Treton
(Lebrac) - Martin Lartigue
(Petit Gibus) - François Lartigue
(Grand Gibus) - Michel Isella
(L'Aztec) - Marie-Catherine Faburel
- Christophe Bourseiller
- Claude Bourseiller
- Tsilla Chelton
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Very nice this black and white version. Those guys were all extraordinary. I really liked it.

Page Last Modified: 26th February 2022
Page Added: 24th January 2004
Page Views: 21397
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