The Twilight Zone
TV Series
Country: USA
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
A revival of the hugely successful series from the 60s. Each week presents a stand-alone episode about an unusual situation that turns out to be even more unusual than initially suspected. Whether the tone of the story is horror, suspense or humor, there is always a surprise twist at the end.
Notable Guest Appearances
- Joshua Harris in episode 1.02 "A Little Peace and Quiet" 1985
- David Mendenhall in episode 1.06 "Examination Day" 1985
- Scott Grimes in episode 1.09 "Little Boy Lost" 1985
- Andre Gower in episode 1.19 "The Burning Man" 1985
- Vonni Ribisi in episode 1.26 "The Beacon" 1985
- Chris Hebert in episode 1.27 "One Life, Furnished in Early Poverty" 1985
- Oliver Robins in episode 1-36 "Monsters!" 1986
- Barret Oliver in episode 1.44 "Gramma" 1986
- Lukas Haas in episode 2.03 "What Are Friends For?" 1986
- David Faustino in episode 2.05 "The Storyteller" 1986
- Illya Woloshyn in episode 3.07 "The Hellgramite Method" 1988

- New guest stars each week.
Page Last Modified: 2nd August 2007
Page Added: 1st September 2003
Page Views: 9361
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