New Nightmare
Country: USA
Genre: Horror
Freddy's back, only this time he's not confined to dreams in this macabre film within a film. Heather Langenkamp, star of the original Nightmare On Elm Street, along with other actors and director Craven all appear as themselves. When Heather's husband is mysteriously killed, her son begins to have disturbing nightmares, culminating in a bizarre encounter with the fictional boogeyman.
- directed by Wes Craven

- Heather Langenkamp
- Robert Englund
- Wes Craven
- Miko Hughes
(Dylan Porter) - John Saxon
- David Newson
- Matt Winston
- Rob LaBelle
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Miko Hughes is great!
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good and creepy much better than the other goofy nigtmare movies of course it has miko and that makes any movie good.
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Page Last Modified: 24th August 2014
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 9316
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