Danny the Champion of the World
Country: UK
Genre: Drama
In the Autumn of 1955, a widowed father and his son, Danny, live an idyllic life in the English countryside. However, their petrol station sits on a piece of land that a local developer wants. He won't take no for an answer, and sets government inspectors and social workers onto them. Danny and his father decide to get even with the man and his pheasant shooting friends...
- Samuel Irons
(Danny) - Jeremy Irons
- Robbie Coltrane
- Cyril Cusack
- Michael Hordern
- Lionel Jeffries
BoyActors Reviews
7 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average Rating: (7.71 / 10)View All Member Reviews/Ratings & Stats
Most recent review listed first
Not the greatest of boy films but still enjoyable although lacking any of Roald Dahl's usual dark side to his stories. The real life boy and father play well against each other. I had never seen Samuel Irons in a film before. This one is almost idyllic with the villain, Robbie Coltrane, hamming up his part as the evil landowner. Good fun and pleasant.
My Movie Rating: 6 / 10Nice entertainment, well played by all actors. Good job by Samuel.
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10Page Last Modified: 28th May 2013
Page Added: 28th July 2003
Page Views: 9233
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Samuel Irons looks just like his dad!
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10