Dva lidi v zoo
AKA: Twins at the Zoo
Country: Czechoslovakia
Genre: Comedy
Twin boys roughly nine years old, pretend to be one person so that they can stay with a reluctant caretaker, their thought being it is easier to deal with one than two kids. Eventually, the man, who is a veterinarian at the zoo, figures out he is dealing with a duo and then enlists them to help him keep a chimp out of captivity. Our little heroes take it a step further, decide to liberate the entire zoo! (CVMC)
- English
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- Martin Morávek
(Martin) - Jan Morávek
(Honza) - Miroslav Machácek
- Jirina Jirásková
- Katerina Machácková
BoyActors Reviews
6 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Great stuff!
My Movie Rating:

A fine comedy concerning the mischievous antics of identical twins. The cast are superb, the boys are completely natural actors, and the whole movie - and the boys - are an utter delight. Highly recommended.

Many endangered species, even young violinists in their natural habitat!
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 5th July 2022
Page Added: 22nd May 2003
Page Views: 16451
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