AKA: A Summer by the River
Country: Finland
Genre: Drama
Widower Tenho takes his 10 year old son Topi to eastern Finland while he tackles grueling and exhausting hard work as a logger during a mid-'50s summer. Tenho's logging blunders and mistakes bring jeers and harassment from his tough co-workers, but he finds romance after a local attractive blonde takes an interest in him. Trouble interrupts at an outdoor dance, leading locals and loggers into a violent confrontation with fists flying. As Tenho's work improves, he gains the respect of the other loggers, and over the course of the summer, the father and son grow close. (AMG)
- Finland's entry for 1999 foreign language Oscar

- Pertti Koivula
- Simo Kontio
(Topi) - Esko Nikkari
- Peter Franzén
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Page Last Modified: 2nd October 2016
Page Added: 22nd May 2003
Page Views: 4607
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