Home Team
Country: Canada
Genre: Family
Henry Butler is a professional athlete with a little Pete Rose in him. His athletic interests go beyond the playing field and into the gambling dens. Convicted for his addiction, the soccer player is assigned to community service at a children's home as a condition of his parole. The home attempts to exploit his soccer skills by forming a team. Butler takes no interest, though, until the home burns down and the team begins playing for their homes instead of personal pride or a payoff.

- Steve Guttenberg
- Sophie Lorain
- Ryan Slater
(Julian) - Johnny Morina [ALUMNUS]
- Tyler Hynes
(Chip) - David Deveau
(Pineapple) - Willy Lavendel
(Charlie) - Chad Connell
(Eric) - Anthony Etesonne-Bedard
(Four Eyes) - Eric Lightbourne
(Goodbye) - Eamon Goldstein
(Nicki Popov) - Drew Jackson
(Harry Jr.)
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 1st May 2016
Page Added: 15th May 2003
Page Views: 8151
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