S tebou me baví svet
Country: Czechoslovakia
Genre: Comedy
Three men are forced to take their young children with them on their annual "men only" vacation into the mountains. They discover that trying to cope with their youngsters' everyday needs and demands is a task that is almost beyond them. One of the most popular Czech films ever made.
- The political scientist and devotee of Czech culture Andrew Roberts has the following entry for "S tebou me bav? svet" in his dictionary of Czech popular culture: "S tebou me bav? svet (With You the World Is Wonderful). Eighties film voted by Czechs as their favorite film of all time. It opens with three married men preparing to take their annual men-only ski vacation. Instead, their wives force them to take along their children. The film's folksy humor lies in the ingenious ways the husbands find to care for and entertain their charges. Its closest Western parallel might be 'Three Men and a Baby'. The film is typical both of the innocuous comedy preferred by the communist regime and of Czech tastes in popular entertainment which tend towards unsophisticated sentimentality." ('From Good King Wenceslas to the Good Soldier ?vejk: A Dictionary of Czech Popular Culture', Central European University Press, 2005, p. 161.)
Reviews and Other Resources

- Július Satinský
- Václav Postránecký
- Marek Dvorák
(Bertík) - Václav Korda
(Mísa) - Cyril Krupala
(Pepíno) - Marta Buchtíková
- Zuzana Gutheisová
- Jana Sulcová
- Eliska Balzerová
- Pavel Nový
- Lukás Pelánek
(Matysek) - Michal Pribis
- Zdena Studenková
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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A fluffy, insubstantial comedy, centred mainly around the spousal relationships of three married couples, with a bit of slapstick thrown in for good measure. Bafflingly popular in its native Czechoslovakia.
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This is not the best comedy from Czechoslovakia, but it certainly has a few interesting scenes. I liked them anyway.
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Page Last Modified: 2nd December 2019
Page Added: 12th May 2003
Page Views: 10897
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