Country: Denmark
Genre: Musical Fantasy
What do you do if you're 12 years old, your mom is a neurotic babbler, your best friend is hitting on the girl you love, and you're the only guy in your class who doesn't yet sport pubes? For Dennis P. there's only one way out - pray. The miracle comes in the shape of an angel that looks like Dennis P.'s late father. The angel issues Dennis P. with a license to perform medium grade miracles, but there's a string attached - Dennis P. must stop using swear words. Dennis P. throws himself into readjusting his existence.
- English
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- Stefan Pagels Andersen
(Dennis P) - Sidse Babett Knudsen
- Thomas Bo Larsen
- Peter Frödin
- Sebastian Jessen
(Mick) - Stephania Potalivo
BoyActors Reviews
8 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Good play, good music, great entertainment.
My Movie Rating:

I have personally never been able to make much of surreal movies. Mirakel is one of this kind. The dancing and singing scenes are completely over-the-top. Surreal stories generelly tend to lack the kind of genuine thematic quality I look out for. Apart from that the movie is very short. Nothing to praise, rather average.
My Movie Rating:

Great music. Great film.
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Page Last Modified: 7th May 2022
Page Added: 28th April 2003
Page Views: 19239
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