TV Series
Country: UK
Genre: Sci-Fi
Matthew is chosen by a mysterious extra-terrestrial visitor to Earth, Chocky, as a source of information about life on earth. His parents witness a strange change in Matthew's behaviour as he becomes more attentive and inquisitive. His schoolwork improves dramatically, as does his artistic talent and manual dexterity. Matthew's parents refer him to a child psychiatrist but the dubious social connections of this man lead to Matthew's subsequent kidnapping...
- Adapted for television in 1984 from the book by John Wyndham.
- Produced by Thames Television. 6 half hour episodes.
- Two further series followed, Chocky's Children and Chocky's Challenge, each with 6 half hour episodes.
- The movie version of the original series, which was also shown on ITV at Christmas 1984, was released by Thames Video that year.

- Andrew Ellams
(Matthew Gore) - James Hazeldine
- Carol Drinkwater
- Penny Brownjohn
- Prentis Hancock
- Zoë Hart
- Colin McCormack
- Devin Stanfield
(Colin) - Jeremy Bulloch [ALUMNUS]
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Page Last Modified: 11th September 2020
Page Added: 24th April 2003
Page Views: 9910
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