The Other
Country: USA
Genre: Mystery
In the summer of 1935, 9-year-old twins Niles and Holland Perry live with their family on a Connecticut farm. Their loving grandmother Ada has taught them something called "the game." A number of accidents begin happening, and it seems to Niles that Holland is responsible. It is Ada who begins to see the truth, and she is the only one who can stop this macabre game of murder.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Chris and Martin Udvarnoky
(Niles and Holland) - Uta Hagen
- Diana Muldaur
- John Ritter
- Norma Connolly
- Victor French
BoyActors Reviews
14 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Here's a movie I will never get tired of watching. The twins were really great; a super performance. And I might add they are quite attractive.

Chilling movie!
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one of my favs!
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Page Last Modified: 24th November 2019
Page Added: 12th April 2003
Page Views: 10600
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This movie really tripped me out. Loved the boys. So weird that they never appeared in anything else.
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