Titles produced in Norway - 109 titles in this section
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5 pages (25 Movies per page): 173 > GLA GRA > KNE KNE > POP PUN > TIT Tø > YOH
1732 Høtten - marerittet har et postnummer (1998) AKA Bloody Angels | |
Å vende tilbake (2015) AKA Returning Home | |
Amors Baller (2011) | |
Babycall (2011) AKA The Monitor | |
Bare skyer beveger stjernene (1998) AKA Only Clouds Move the Stars | |
Bawke (2005) | |
Begynnelsen på en historie (1988) | |
Bennys gym (2007) AKA Benny's Gym | |
Brouillarta (2023) | |
Brødre (2015) AKA Brothers | |
Cut | Paste (2008) AKA Cut Paste | |
Da jeg traff Jesus... med sprettert (2000) AKA When I Got Jesus... with a Slingshot | |
Der nede sørger de ikke (2006) | |
Det vi ikke snakker om (2018) AKA Things We Don't Talk About | |
Doktor Proktors prompepulver (2014) | |
Dragevokteren (2020) AKA Dragon Girl | |
Ediths glasslott (2006) AKA The Crystal Palace | |
Ekspedisjon Knerten (2017) | |
Elva bak huset (2007) AKA Behind the House | |
Everywhen (2013) | |
Festningen (2011) AKA The Fortress | |
Flukten over grensen (2020) | |
For Tors skyld (1982) AKA For Tor's Sake | |
Gilberts grusomme hevn (2016) | |
Glasskår (2002) AKA Scars |
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