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Titles produced in China - 32 titles in this section

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2 pages (25 Movies per page): 25 > Bullet Point XIA > ZHU

25 Kids and a Dad (2001) 
Bao hu lu de mi mi (2007)
AKA The Secret of the Magic Gourd
Bei zhu baba shangxue qu (1998)
AKA Going to School with Dad on My Back
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The Boy (2016) Review Buy
Caofangzi (2000)
AKA Thatched Memories
Dian dian xing guang (2019)
AKA Starry Road
Hao xiao zi hao gong fu (2019)
AKA Good Boy and Kung Fu
He ni zai yi qi (2002)
AKA Together
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Kan shang qu hen mei (2006)
AKA Little Red Flowers
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Lai zi xing xing de shao nian (2017)
AKA Ming and Ming
Lan feng zheng (1993)
AKA The Blue Kite
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Ling hun de jiu shu (2019)
AKA Save Your Soul
Lü cao di (2005)
AKA Mongolian Ping Pong
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Meng ying tong nian (2003)
AKA Electric Shadows
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Niu-Peng (1989)
AKA China, My Sorrow
Please Vote for Me (2007) Review
Qian li zou dan qi (2005)
AKA Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles
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Qin mi lü xing (2019)
AKA A Journey to the Seaside
Reflective Blue (2019) Review
San Mao liu lang ji (1949)
AKA The Winter of Three Hairs
Wang Shouxian de xia tiang (2002)
AKA High Sky Summer
Wei ze zhi lu (2018)
AKA The Road Not Taken
Wo 11 (2011)
AKA 11 Flowers
Xi Xiao He De Xia Tian (2017)
AKA End of Summer
Xià yè qíshì (2019)
AKA Summer Knight
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