- Dennis The Menace: Dinosaur Hunter (1987) (as Joey)
- Nutcracker: Money, Madness & Murder [tvms] (1987)
- Casual Sex? (1988)
- Andrew Dice Clay Live! The Diceman Cometh (1989)
- Hardball [tvs] (1989)
- My Boyfriend's Back (1989)
- For Parents Only (1991)
- The Servants of Twilight (1991) (as Joey Scavello)
- The Letters from Moab (1991)
- Highway to Hell (1992)
- Short Cuts (1993)
- Aliens for Breakfast (1994)
- Exquisite Tenderness (1994)
- The Force (1994)
- Untamed Love (1994)
- The O.J. Simpson Story (1995)
- Just Like Dad (1996) (as Sherwood)
- The Great White Hype (1996)
- Amityville: Dollhouse (1997)
Guest Appearances
- Coming of Age (1988) ("Cindy Flies the Coop" ep. 2.07)
- Cheers (1989) ("I Kid You Not" ep. 7.14)
- Doogie Howser, M.D. (1989) ("Simply Irresistible" ep. 1.06)
- Quantum Leap (1990) (" A Little Miracle..." ep. 3.10)
- The Hogan Family (1986-1991) (6.11 "Ho, Ho, Hogans" 1990)
- Cheers (1991) ("Unplanned Parenthood" ep. 10.06)
- Cheers (1992) ("Rich Man, Wood Man" ep. 10.19)
- Lois & Clark (1994) ("Illusions of Grandeur" ep. 1.14)
- Caroline (1996) (the City)
Page Last Modified: 3rd September 2012
Page Added: 14th March 2003
Page Views: 11989
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