Buddy Messinger
Date of Birth: 26th October 1907
Details of Death: 25th October 1965
Country of Birth: USA

- Fighting Joe (1916)
- Gloriana (1916)
- Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp (1917) (as Omar, Slave of the Magician)
- Jack and the Beanstalk (1917)
- The Babes in the Woods (1917)
- Treasure Island (1917)
- Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (1918)
- Fan Fan (1918)
- Six-Shooter Andy (1918)
- Jinx (1919)
- The Hoodlum (1919)
- Edgar and the Teacher's Pet (1920)
- Edgar Camps Out (1920)
- Edgar Takes the Cake (1920)
- Edgar, the Explorer (1920)
- Edgar's Hamlet (1920)
- Edgar's Jonah Day (1920)
- Edgar's Little Saw (1920)
- Edgar's Sunday Courtship (1920)
- The Luck of the Irish (1920)
- Edgar, the Detective (1921)
- Edgar's Country Cousin (1921)
- Edgar's Feast Day (1921)
- The Old Nest (1921)
- A Front Page Story (1922)
- Shadows (1922)
- The Flirt (1922)
- When Love Comes (1922)
- A Howling Success (1923)
- A Regular Boy (1923)
- All Over Twist (1923)
- Boyhood Days (1923)
- Bringing Up Buddy (1923)
- Buckin' the Line (1923)
- Buddy at the Bat (1923)
- Dad's Boy (1923)
- Don't Get Fresh (1923)
- Penrod and Sam (1923) (as Rodney Bitts)
- She's a He (1923)
- Smarty (1923)
- So Long, Buddy (1923)
- The Abysmal Brute (1923)
- Trifling with Honor (1923)
Roles when Buddy Messinger was older than 15
- Wild Boys of the Road (1933)
Page Last Modified: 13th March 2022
Page Added: 13th March 2022
Page Views: 1704
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