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Wesley Barry

Date of Birth: 10th August 1907
Details of Death: 11th April 1994
Country of Birth: USA



Red-haired, skinny and elfin, grocer's son Wesley Barry was first cast for a role in a film when he was a mere 7 years old, appearing in the comedy short "The Phoney Cannibal" (1915). In 1917, film producer Marshall Neilan cast him in "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" with his freckles uncovered - earlier producers had insisted that freckles be covered up with grease paint! Wesley was an instant hit, and in subsequent features consolidated his following. After his performance as George Washington Sticker in "The Unpardonable Sin", one critic gushed that "If any boy actor ever succeeded in making more out of a part than Wesley does out of Sticker, neither the screen nor the stage has any record of the event." His popularity became so great that he even had an imposter: in 1920, a boy called Sidney Ward Scott was touted by his father on a 'Wesley Barry personal appearance tour'. To complaints that he was insufficiently freckled, the Scotts claimed that these were only painted on for the camera! Wesley went on in later life to become a producer and director in his own right. Arguably, the most famous movie he directed was "The Creation of the Humanoids" (1962), depicting a future society where robots are persecuted by humans who are facing extinction due to their own recklessness - an eerie anticipation of some of the themes of Spielberg's later "A.I. Artificial Intelligence" (2001).



Picture for Wesley Barry


Page Last Modified: 17th October 2020
Page Added: 19th August 2017

Page Views: 7898

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