Jackie Condon
Date of Birth: 25th March 1918
Details of Death: 13 October 1977 (cancer)
Country of Birth: USA
- Place of birth: Los Angeles, Cal.
- Best known for his role as Jackie in Hal Roach's long running "Our Gang" series of shorts.

- A Quiet Street (1922)
- Doctor Jack (1922)
- Fire Fighters (1922)
- One Terrible Day (1922) (as Jackie)
- Our Gang (1922) (as Jackie)
- Penrod (1922)
- Saturday Morning (1922)
- Young Sherlocks (1922)
- A Pleasant Journey (1923)
- Back Stage (1923)
- The Big Show (1923) (as Jackie)
- Boys to Board (1923)
- Derby Day (1923)
- Dogs of War (1923)
- Giants vs. Yanks (1923)
- July Days (1923)
- Jus' Passin' Through (1923)
- Lodge Night (1923)
- No Noise (1923)
- Stage Fright (1923)
- Sunday Calm (1923)
- The Champeen (1923)
- The Cobbler (1923)
- Battling Orioles (1924)
- Big Business (1924)
- Commencement Day (1924)
- Cradle Robbers (1924)
- Every Man for Himself (1924)
- Fast Company (1924)
- Girl Shy (1924)
- High Society (1924)
- It's a Bear (1924)
- Jubilo, Jr. (1924)
- Seein' Things (1924)
- The Buccaneers (1924)
- The Mysterious Mystery! (1924)
- The Sun Down Limited (1924)
- Tire Trouble (1924)
- Ask Grandma (1925) (as Jackie)
- Better Movies (1925)
- Boys Will Be Joys (1925)
- Circus Fever (1925)
- Dog Days (1925)
- Mary, Queen of Tots (1925)
- Official Officers (1925)
- One Wild Ride (1925)
- Shootin' Injuns (1925)
- The Big Town (1925)
- The Love Bug (1925)
- Your Own Back Yard (1925)
- Baby Clothes (1926)
- Buried Treasure (1926)
- The Fourth Alarm (1926) (as Jackie)
- Good Cheer (1926) (as Jackie)
- Monkey Business (1926)
- Shivering Spooks (1926)
- Telling Whoppers (1926)
- Thundering Fleas (1926) (as Jackie)
- Uncle Tom's Uncle (1926) (as Jackie)
- War Feathers (1926)
- Baby Brother (1927) (as Jackie)
- Bring Home the Turkey (1927)
- Chicken Feed (1927)
- Dog Heaven (1927)
- Heebee Jeebees (1927)
- Love My Dog (1927)
- Olympic Games (1927) (as Jackie)
- Seeing the World (1927)
- Ten Years Old (1927)
- The Glorious Fourth (1927)
- The Old Wallop (1927)
- Tired Business Men (1927)
- Yale vs. Harvard (1927)
- Barnum & Ringling, Inc. (1928)
- Crazy House (1928)
- Edison, Marconi & Co. (1928)
- Fair and Muddy (1928)
- Growing Pains (1928)
- Playin' Hookey (1928)
- Rainy Days (1928)
- Spook Spoofing (1928)
- The Smile Wins (1928)
- Election Day (1929)
Roles when Jackie Condon was older than 15
- The Little Rascals (1955) (as Jackie 1922-1929)
Page Last Modified: 31st May 2021
Page Added: 17th December 2005
Page Views: 12769
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