Peter Robbins
Date of Birth: 10th August 1956
Details of Death: 18th January 2022
Country of Birth: USA
- Peter Robbins was the voice of Charlie Brown in several animated movies and TV specials 1965-1969.

- A Ticklish Affair (1963) (as Grover)
- Moment to Moment (1965)
- And Now Miguel (1966) (as Pedro)
- Good Times (1967)
- Blondie [tvs] (1968)
Guest Appearances
- Rawhide (1964) ("Incident of the Pied Piper" ep. 6.19)
- Munsters (1964) ("Rock-a-Bye Munster" ep. 1.04)
- Farmer's Daughter (1964) ("Speak for Yourself John Katy" ep. 2.12)
- The Donna Reed Show (1958-1966) (6.24 "Teamwork" 1964)
- Love on a Rooftop (1966) ("Chocolate Hen" ep. 1.06)
- F.B.I. (1967) ("The Raid" ep. 2.15)
- F Troop (1967) ("The Sergeant and the Kid" ep. 2.19)
- Get Smart (1968) ("The Mysterious Dr. T" ep. 3.13)
- My Three Sons (1960-1972) (12.21 "The Birth of Arfie" 1972)
Page Last Modified: 30th January 2022
Page Added: 8th May 2003
Page Views: 11690
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