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Titles produced in Spain - 135 titles in this section

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El Maestro (1957) Review
La Mala educación (2004)
AKA Bad Education
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Mamá o papá (2021)
AKA You Keep the Kids
Manolito Gafotas (1999)
AKA Manolito Four Eyes
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Manolito Gafotas en Mola ser jefe (2001)
AKA Las Travesuras Navidenas De Manolito Gafotas
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La máquina de pintar nubes (2009) 
El mar (2000)
AKA The Sea
Marcelino pan y vino (1955)
AKA The Miracle Of Marcelino
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Matar a un niño (2011) Review
Matar cangrejos (2023)
AKA Killing Crabs
Mi tío Jacinto (1956) Review
El monstruo del pozo (2007) 
El Niño de la luna (1989)
AKA Moon Child
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El niño y el muro (1965) Review
Onán (2002) Review
El Orfanato (2007)
AKA The Orphanage
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Otra vuelta de tuerca (1985)
AKA The Turn of the Screw
Pa Negre (2010)
AKA Black Bread
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Pachín (1961) 
Padre no hay más que uno (2019) 
Pajarico (1997)Gallery Review Buy
El palomo cojo (1995) Review
Un Par de zapatos del '32 (1973)
AKA Witness to Murder
Gallery Review
Los pazos de Ulloa (1985)
AKA The Ulloa Country Mansions
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Los Pianos mecánicos (1965)
AKA Les Pianos mécaniques
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